In 2013, the Basel School of Design challenged its students to create a new layout & photo concept for the book of Christoph Merian's biography. He was the founder of the Christoph Merian Foundation and contributed a lot of his money to the city of Basel.

After the redesign, the book was produced and bind manually by hand at the SFG’s internal bookbinding studio.

The „Basler Schulblatt“ (BSB) is a journal for teachers and school principals of the schools of Basel. Seven editions are published each year.

In 2013 the BSB launched a contest for the students of the Basel School of Design to create a new photo concept for the latest release of the magazine. The concept had to portray something that reflects the daily life of a student and/or the schools of Basel. The winner’s concept would be published in the newest edition of the journal. My concept was about the most well known tools from our everyday school life. The ones we don’t pay attention to, yet we all know them very well, and shape them by using and mis-using them in different ways. Therefor, my photos pictured excessively used keyboards, deformed erasers and a chewed pencil. The concept was published in the newest version of the BSB journal. Interestingly, the dirty and excessively used keyboards where cleaned just a few days after the publication ;)

A screen-printed design of the CD-cover for the swiss Jazz Festival in Willisau.

Using only two colors, the cover can be combined with different materials in order to differentiate between the style and character of the music. This project is fictitious and was produced at the Basel School of Design, using its internal screen printing studio in 2012.